Tuesday, July 29, 2014

No Painting Tonight...

Instead, I assembled some newly picked up models:

The models bought were suggested multiple times on forums to get both armies up to 25 points:
Menoth (21 points)
-Choir (Unit of 4 for 2 points)
-Vassal (For 2 points)
25 Points

Khador (20 points)
-War Dog (1 point)
-Widowmakers (Unit of 4 for 4 points)
-Widowmaker Marksman (2 points)
27 Points (Will remove the Marksman or reduce the Shocktroopers to 3 members)

Some issues cropped p early as the Choir had lost a few menofixes on the tops of the staffs.

It probably wasn't the best repair strategy, but I superglued the offending menofix back on. 

Everything got some glue though, but not everything is finished. I decided to get something else done due to late night working.

I've gone through a few other hobbies and have formed the recommended opinion about purchasing and using: Don't go on a major spending spree when you may up and quit in a month. Since I can now play with the Two-Player Starter models without too much scrutiny, I'll allow myself to move on in expanding the hobby. Here's to new experiences!

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