Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cleaning New Models and Touching Up Warcasters

I let my new models rest in soapy water and are currently letting them dry:

In the meantime, I put some touches to both Sorscha and Kreoss. Sorscha got some more lines around her armor, while Kreoss now sports a Menoth White Base on its armor where previously metal was present. The pauldrons got Menoth White as well (covering the previously painted menofixes). As I mentioned before I'm waiting until near the end before I paint those.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More Gluing

I finished up gluing the new units.

The Choir were the biggest issue to finish. Between the breaking Menofixes and the fact they were too small to fit into their base slots. Other issues include the Widowmakers being too big for their base slots, and the War Dog having gaps between the pieces.

Finally, I glued the Crotchplates back onto the other three Shocktroopers:

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

No Painting Tonight...

Instead, I assembled some newly picked up models:

The models bought were suggested multiple times on forums to get both armies up to 25 points:
Menoth (21 points)
-Choir (Unit of 4 for 2 points)
-Vassal (For 2 points)
25 Points

Khador (20 points)
-War Dog (1 point)
-Widowmakers (Unit of 4 for 4 points)
-Widowmaker Marksman (2 points)
27 Points (Will remove the Marksman or reduce the Shocktroopers to 3 members)

Some issues cropped p early as the Choir had lost a few menofixes on the tops of the staffs.

It probably wasn't the best repair strategy, but I superglued the offending menofix back on. 

Everything got some glue though, but not everything is finished. I decided to get something else done due to late night working.

I've gone through a few other hobbies and have formed the recommended opinion about purchasing and using: Don't go on a major spending spree when you may up and quit in a month. Since I can now play with the Two-Player Starter models without too much scrutiny, I'll allow myself to move on in expanding the hobby. Here's to new experiences!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Some Khador Red Touchups

I started tonight with touching up the Khador Red on the Warjacks:

I finished with painting the crotch-plates of the Shocktroopers

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Cinerators - First Coat's Final Touchups

Man these things have been a pain to paint, but I'll put forth that the first coat is done.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Crusader Touchups

Fists (Gold), Loincloth and Fists (Sanguine), Face (Menoth White and Sanguine), Menofixes (Black), Spikes (Gold)

The Crusader has been nearly finished. I'm waiting until the very end before I paint Menofixes onto the heavy warjacks, as there are plenty of nooks and crannies on the pauldrons.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Vanquisher - Metals Touchup

Today I re-painted the Rhulic Gold and Pig Iron onto the Vanquisher.
Before, poorly painted and unpainted Rhulic Gold:

 After: Rhulic Gold Recoat

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Shocktroopers - Finishing Mising Pig Iron Spots

I finished the last of the unprimed area on the Shocktroopers by painting Pig Iron on the hands.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Cinerator Sanguine Touchups Complete

I made the time this morning to finish the Sanguine edges on the Cinerators.

All of the Cinerators aren't done yet, as each has a number of spots that need painting (especially the sword handles).

Monday, July 21, 2014

Quick Paint Night - Flesh

I've had a long day, so I could only afford to make a quick paint:

The pictures are a little blurry, but I think you can see the scope of work: Both the Shocktrooper Leader and Sorscha got a layer of Khardic Flesh to their faces.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cinerator - Sanguine Edges 1

The Cinerators have been missing a lot of Sanguine paint around their edges. Today I started with getting them painted:
Especially around the head area, you can see how white primer remains.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Destroyer - Thamar Black

Destroyer gets the Thamar Black treatment.
Tomorrow I will likely give the Destroyer a Bronze coat, and finish the first coat on the model.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Juggernaut - Thamar Black Coat

I put the Thamar Black coat onto the spots the Juggernaut was bare. Although this covers the Juggernaut's primer, the model still needs touching up.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Khador Red Recoating

I mentioned yesterday that I put a new coat of red on Shocktroopers #2 and #3. Today I got to 1, 4, and 5.
I notice that it isn't a perfect job done for them, but it's certainly an improvement. From here, I moved on to paint Khador Red onto the other remaining Khador models. Unfortunately, that led to a few errant marks on some models:

Ugh, more touch-ups to do I guess.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Shocktroopers - Khador Red Recoat 1

Originally my plan was to repaint the legs of all the Shocktroopers:
Instead my plan switched to re-coat the red on the entirety of two Shocktroopers (#2 and #3).

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Cinerators - Metal Touchups

I painted the little screw knobs on the back of the Cinerators, touched up any gold that may have gotten  out of the wrong spots on the sword, hit the missing parts on the shield, and the spikes on the right hand.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Finishing the Base Coat - To Do List

Again, not a true painting post, but I made a list of things I need to complete to finish up the Base Coat on all models:

Sorscha - Hat (Grey), Hair (Black), Face (Flesh), Inside of Coat (Grey), Lining of Coat (Grey), Frostfang Handle (Black), Hand Cannon Holder and Handle (Brown), Hand Cannon Barrel (Steel), Legs (Black), Gloves (Black), Armband (Black), Arm Markings (Black), Front of Cloak (Red), Boots (Black)
Destroyer - Finish Bronze and Black layers before nitpicking
Juggernaut - Black layers, Steel on top of Bronze pipes, Red to clean marks on Ice Axe Hand, Clean marks on steel portion of legs, screws on Boots and large arm screws (Steel)
Shocktroopers - Recoat Red especially on Pauldrons, Legs, Arms, and Back where painting is fading or marked. Bronze on some Pauldrons, and recoat back of legs. Black ring around head and engine gap. Clean marks on steel and fix steel Pauldrons. Black Khador Anvil on shields
Shocktrooper Specifics - Paint face with flesh on #1. Replace and paint crotchplate on #2, #4, and #5

Kreoss - Hat (Menoth White), Arms (Gold), Pauldrons (mostly Menoth White, some Sanguine areas)
Crusader - Fists (Gold), Loincloth and Fists (Sanguine), Face (Menoth White and Sanguine), Menofixes (Black), Spikes (Gold)
Repenter - Steel touchups, Gold Spikes, fix Menoth White on front plate, eyes
Vanquisher - Steel on weapons, Gold on spikes, Sanguine on pauldrons, Arm, and cloth. Gold on Cloth Black for Menofixes. Eyes
Cinerators - Sanguine around headgear, on pauldrons, front skirt layer, legplating, crotch protection, tassels, and lower back, Menofix on shield, Steel knobs on back and bits on shield, gold sword handles

Friday, July 11, 2014

Front Arc Markings

I painted the Front Arc Markings on every models, so it counts as a daily painting:

I also numbered the back of each model, for both gameplay and painting identification:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Cinerator Touchups 2 - Menoth White Base 1

I touched up on several spots where Menoth White Base had been missed (faceplate and right-wrist), and where other colors had been painted over.

All Before:
After Touchups:

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Cinerator Touchups 1 - Gold

I added a few touches of gold to places where a layer was not present, or a layer which needed a better coat. Below is the current painting on the figures:

Monday, July 7, 2014

Holiday's End - Back to Painting

After getting back from vacation, I opened with a small paint job. I added a second coat onto both Menoth Heavy Warjacks.


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hiatus - July 4th Holiday

I'll be traveling out of town during the July 4th holiday and won't be returning home until July 7th. Since I won't be taking any models or painting supplies with me, I won't be painting again until then.

Molten Bronze - Juggernaut

I put Bronze onto everywhere the Juggernaut needs it: