Monday, June 29, 2015

Ten Months Later - Cygnar Battlegroup

I can't believe it's been this long since I posted. I'm ready to get back to painting, but I've switched to a different faction, and I'm immediately going on vacation a few days after I start again :(

But here's my current status:
-I moved apartments at the end of May.
-Had been playing Warhammer 40K for the past month. Game was fun but not up my alley.
-Picked up the Cygnar Battlegroup on an impulse buy.
-Assembled and primed it white, but made no painting progress on it

So today I started with a Celestra Gray coat on Stryker and Kantor Blue as a basecoat for the Jacks.

With any luck, I'll get some great looking models completed for play.