Monday, June 30, 2014

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Bronze for Khador Models 1

I added a little bronze to two models; Sorscha and a single Shocktrooper:

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Menoth Jacks - Sanguine Touchup

I painted earlier, but didn't get around to posting until today. On the Menoth 'Jacks, the sanguine was either missing or poorly painted, so I took the time to gussy them up.

Before Pics (in particular the Repenter)

After pictures look much better, but there is still shading, a second coat, and plenty of touch-ups still to go.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Menoth Gold 3 - Vanquisher, in Particular

I'll start with should be obvious from the title; I got a lot of Rhulic Gold paint onto the right areas Vanquisher:

I didn't get to paint everything gold that needs to be, but there are a few other things I need to paint before I can get to that. With a little gold paint left over, I touched up a few Cinerators that needed a re-paint of gold (especially on those shields), and then got better gold onto the Crusader. Everything touched on is in the image below:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Menoth Gold 2

The Cinerators get some gold as well:
I'll note that my biggest difficulty was with the consistency of the paint. On small paint areas, paint would run if not thick. On the larger areas (such as the shield) the paint applied too thin, and will either require a second coat, or an undercoat for the paint to stick to.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Menoth Gold 1

I finally got a few additional paints to get a better look on the gold metals:
 Above, you can notice that my initial gold coloring did not do a good job of applying itself to the flail.

 At the end I got through Kreoss, the Repenter, and got a little gold onto the Cinerator leader.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Exemplar Cinerators 6 & Khador Red Second Coat 1

I began with adding Sanguine to my final Cinerator, the leader:
I'll note my leader has not been completed, as a sanguine border around the head has not been colored.

Meanwhile, I've decided to do some touch-ups to my Khador models. You can see from the following photos there is plenty of white primer peeking through the Khador Red.

To solve this I began with an additional coat of Khador Red to the areas:

While not pictured, the Juggernaut received a similar treatment as well.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Exemplar Cinerators 5

Up to four Cinerators with Sanguine so far. Last one will likely be Tomorrow.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Exemplar Cinerators 4

A morning painting session has put Sanguine Base on two more Cinerators:

I did however make a painting mistake and thinned my paint a bit too much. It became runny through the cloak, as seen below:

Friday, June 20, 2014

Exemplar Cinerators 3

An early morning painting session led me to bust open the Sanguine Base and add some dark color to a single Cinerator:

There were plenty of places to make errors, but I avoided poor paint strokes.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Current Collection

I know it is a little late (one day), but I thought it would be a good idea to show where my collection is currently at with painting.

Own List:
-Warmachine Two-Player Battle Box Contents

Painting Status:
Everything is Primed White and in various stages of painting.

Man-o-War Shocktroopers: Armor painted with a single coat of Khador Red Base. Metallic painted with single coat of Pig Iron. Love how well these guys take a beating when Shield Wall is ordered. I'll also note that the piece of metal at the crotch area was removed on several models to aid painting the area between the legs.

Destroyer, Juggernaut, and Kommander Sorscha: Painted red outsides with Khador Red Base and metals with Pig Iron. Everything is certainly going to get another coat of Khador Red Base, as many smooth areas are quite patchy.

Exemplar Cinerators: As covered in my only posts so far. The Cinerators currently have their Menoth White Base coating the armor and most of the figure. 

Crusader and Vanquisher: Quite a bit of the Menoth White Base has been painted on the Armor, with a slight amount of Sanguine Base. The Crusader's Inferno Mace has been painted with an odd mix of gold colors. I'm waiting for a bottle of Rhulic Gold to paint on all of my Menoth models.

High Exemplar Kreoss and Repenter: These models have had the entire model covered in their first layer. There are plenty of opportunities for touching up these models, several stray paint marks and the odd gold coloring is of note.

I'm not going to promise a weekly update, but I'll be doing a paint post everyday.

Exemplar Cinerators 2

Today I finished painting a layer of Menoth White Base on my Exemplar Cinerators:

For Friday, either more painting on the Cinerators, or finishing the first coat of Menoth White Base on the Menoth Warjacks.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Exemplar Cinerators 1

Today's paint was a short one, but I started by painting the cloak of an Exemplar Cinerator in Menoth White Base, and finishing the Menoth White Base coloring of a previously worked on model.

Before: Left is the model primed, Right was the model that was previously painted
After: Rear view of all five models. The only thing completed on every model is the sword was painted with Pig Iron.

An Opening Post

The goal is simple:
Everyday I paint DO something on an unpainted/incomplete Warmachine/Hordes miniature.

I'm putting no limitations or requirements of what I paint DO for the day. Nor will I be putting a deadline for what has to be completed when.

Update: 7/29/14
It's been about a month and a half since I began this modeling log; and there have been a few incidents of sort. On three different days I have made a post that did not involve painting, yet made painting progress. Only the July 4th holiday was the only period of time where painting did not occur, for reasons I stated then. The main idea of the blog is to track "forward" progress (I do make mistakes of course), and ensure I move a little forward each day. Thus I have made the above changes. No longer is it "paint" it is "DO". It is doing a daily something that involves myself in Warmachine/Hordes hobby.